Crossroads Christian School Co-Op
We are a group of Crossroads Christian School parents who teach or help teach certain classes while our own children take classes taught by us or other parents. We are a group of homeschooling families that come together with the following goals:
•Encouragement, accountability, and sharing of the homeschooling calling.
•Social Connection: relationships with other families who embrace our desire to educate our children.
•Interesting, fun, challenging classes where our children can experience learning in a group environment.
•Using our God Given gifts and talents in a cooperative setting.
Reasons to join co-op:
1.Benefiting from the knowledge, expertise, and strength of others. If there are certain skills you lack or subjects you would rather not teach, participating in co-op gives you access to a wealth of knowledge to enrich your child’s homeschool experience. Tapping into the knowledge of others not only benefits your children’s home education, it increases your time! It relieves any stress or worry from the pressure of having to be an expert or know everything to successfully home school your child.
2.Stretch your home school dollars. A homeschool co-op offers your homeschooling family a cost-effective way for your children to take enrichment classes
3.Eliminate the "Socialization" worry. My children have had the privilege of meeting, building relationships and learning from a diverse group of wonderful and knowledgeable individuals, from all walks of life. Not only do these relationships enrich my children’s educational experience, their lives are richer as they learn to relate and interact with others of all ages, not just their peer group...which may be the biggest blessing.
See our Frequently Asked Questions for more details!