Co-Op FAQ's
Who can be a part of Crossroads Christian School Co-op?
Any Crossroads Christian School family who has been home schooling with Crossroads at least one year can join.
What exactly do you do at co-op?
When a family joins our co-op, their students will be able to take enrichment classes taught by other parents. The only requirement is that at least one parent be on campus teaching or helping for the duration of classes.
Do I have to teach?
No, however, you must remain on campus at all times. Also you will be required to help with some of the weekly co-op duties such as teacher’s helpers, cleaning or putting away tables.
Is there a registration fee for co-op?
Yes, there is a small fee per family for each semester that you enroll in co-op. This fee is used for co-op supplies such as tables, printer, paper, utility bills, etc.
Are the classes free or do I have to pay for each class?
We usually have a great variety of classes with different fees for each class. We usually do have a few that are free such as nursery, but most teachers do charge a fee for their class. The fees vary according to what materials are going to be needed for that particular class.
Why do we have fees for each class and what do they cover?
Each teacher decides how much they feel is a reasonable fee per student to cover supplies and required items such as books for their class. Our teachers do not do this to "make money" so we end up with great classes with generally low fees. For example: A preschool class may have a fee as low as only $5 or $10 to be able to provide crafts; however, a high school class may cost $25 which would include a required textbook and supplies!
Where and when does Crossroads Co-op take place?
We meet on Fridays from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm across the street from Community Presbyterian Church in the front building.
How long does Co-op last?
Currently we have two semesters during the school year. We have a Fall semester that lasts 10 weeks which usually runs from September until the first of November. We will also have a Winter/Spring semester that will run from January till April. Dates to be announced.